Thron reinterpreted the secant condition based on chemical reaction orders

From the analysis of a delayed negative feedback oscillator, we notice that the period of N6-Methyladenosine oscillations is primarily determined by the feedback delay. Thus, the longer periods observed in the Amlexanox positive feedback motifs can explain the smaller degree of cooperativity required for these motifs to oscillate. The positive feedback loop increases the effective length of the feedback delay allowing lesser cooperativity to suffice. This view is also consistent with our observation that positive feedback motifs increase the effective half-life of the fastest component in the three component loop. Thron reinterpreted the secant condition based on chemical reaction orders for enzymatic chains with feedback between the last and first substrates. Interestingly, Thron noted with an example that enzymatic chains without cooperativity can oscillate with saturable substrate removal and appropriate choice of parameters. Kurosawa and Iwasa studied theoretically the effect of MM enzymatic kinetics on the oscillations in circadian models. They concluded, consistent with our study, that having saturating kinetics in the degradation reactions promoted oscillations, whereas having them in the activating terms makes oscillation less likely. We can rephrase their findings within our paradigm as: when MM kinetics acts like positive feedback it aids oscillations, whereas when MM kinetics acts as negative feedback, it is detrimental to oscillations. Self-activation, or product activation as it is also known, is also encountered in several biological oscillator motifs. Goldbeter and Dupont investigate the role of cooperativity generated by allosteric enzyme modifications in glycolytic and Ca2+ oscillations. Significantly, they identify that positive feedback generated by product-activated enzyme along with MM kinetics in the substrate removal can produce oscillations without need for cooperativity. Although the models they consider for these two systems do not need cooperativity, they include other nonlinearities, such as multiplicative terms and competitive inhibition.

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