Pseudoginsenoside-F11 adipose tissue is not a uniform tissue and different depots have both overlapping and distinct characteristics. A recent, elegant study performed in mice, highlights these differences by demonstrating large variability in in vivo adipogenic potential between various fat depots. Both amount of deep subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue correlates with an increased risk of diabetes, while subcutaneous fat in the gluteofemoral region and the superficial depot has been shown to be more beneficial and associated with improved insulin sensitivity and reduced risk of diabetes. The respective contribution of different adipose tissue depots to type 2 diabetes is subject to an ongoing discussion. Characterizing the molecular mechanisms underlying a Ginsenoside-F1 dysfunctional adipose tissue is essential for prevention and treatment of associated metabolic disorders. However, so far, we are only beginning to understand this mechanistic link. A dysfunctional adipose tissue has been associated with several mechanisms at the cellular and molecular level. Impaired vascularization, local hypoxia, changes of cellular and intracellular matrix composition, infiltration of immune cells and increased inflammation and apoptosis are all examples of abnormalities associated with a in dysfunctional adipose tissue. In the present study, we found signs of an increased inflammatory state in adipose tissue of FDRs compared to control subjects. Both CD68, which is a marker of the macrophage lineage, and MCP-1 were present at a higher expression level in the FDRs suggesting increased infiltration of immune cell. Other, well-known inflammatory markers like TNFalpha and IL1B were also upregulated as well as the immune and inflammatory response modulator IL1RN, previously shown to be associated with reduced insulin sensitivity. To investigate whether if the adipose tissue inflammation was reflected systemically, we also measured circulating cytokine concentrations. Due to limited serum availability and the fact that IL-6 and MCP-1 and their relation to adipose cell size have been investigated else where, we investigated serum levels of IL1B and IL1RN and their potential relation to adipose cell size.
Infiltration of immune cells and increased inflammation and apoptosis
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