Evaluations of ER, PR, and HER2 in tumor tissue are useful for predicting the potential outcome of postoperative adjuvant therapy of breast cancer; thus it was demonstrated that patients with triplenegative cancers had an obviously worse outcome than non-triplenegative cases during shorter follow-up periods of up to 3–5 years. However, the ability of triple-negative status to predict theprognosis diminished considerably after more than5years, and had disappeared at 10 years, so another diagnostic tool to predict the prognosis, especially related to DSS lasting more than 5 years, is needed. RB1CC1 is a novel regulator of RB1 that dephosphorylates RB1 and increases its expression. In addition, the RB1CC1-RB pathway plays an important role in the proliferation of breast cancer cells in vitro, and its genetic rearrangement has been demonstrated in breast cancer tissue in vivo. Accordingly, RB1CC1 itself and/or molecules involved in the RB1CC1-RB1 pathways may be effective biomarkers to evaluate the clinical status of breast cancer patients. In this report, using the hospital-based EX 527 msds cohort of 323 breast cancer cases in Japan, we have shown that RB1CC1 status predicts breast cancer-specific survival. It is important to note that other established risk factors, such as chemotherapy, tumor size, lymph node status, TNM classification, ER, PR, triple-negative phenotype, and RB1 also conferred significant univariate relative hazards for DSS, thus confirming that the present cohort was a representative population. This population was not selected for RB1CC1 status, and is thus suitable to provide an unbiased assessment of RB1CC1 as a prognostic factor. In this cohort, RB1CC1 status correlated significantly with PR-negative and triple-negative phenotypes, as well as chemotherapy, and these findings seem to be closely related because chemotherapy was often applied to the PR-negative and/or triple-negative breast cancer patients. In this cohort, the combined evaluation of RB1CC1, RB1 and p53 predicted prognoses more accurately than that of nuclear RB1CC1 expression, especially related to DSS for more than 5 years. In this series, similar to the results found in previous reports, patients with non-triple-negative breast cancers had distinctly better survivals than did those with triplenegative cancers, but the difference between triple-negative and non-triple-negative cancers decreased at the longer follow-up. Mechanical ventilation is an important life-saving procedure. However, the procedure itself may induce or aggravate damage to lung tissue, so-called ventilator-induced lung injury . VILI is characterized by inflammation, enhanced alveolarcapillary membrane permeability, accumulation of protein-rich pulmonary edema and ultimately impaired gas exchange. Various animal models have been used to obtain further insight into the mechanisms underlying VILI.
investigators showed that mechanical ventilation damage to the epithelial endothelial barrier leading to impaired
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